Dental care, will brushing with baking soda help my bad breath
I know that some people say that brushing with baking soda will help to whiten your teeth and that cool and all but will it help my bad breath? I was told if I started brushing with baking soda it would totally get rid of bad breath but I would have to use it all the time I brushed.
Would that mess up my teeth if I do that? I think I saw that over use of baking soda could damage your teeth. I feel that I a damn if I do or damn if I do not. What is right
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Posted on Wednesday, Nov. 17th 2010 9:49 AM | by Dental | in Bad breath ? | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd 2010 9:55 AM at 9:55 am
Instead of running out and brushing your teeth with bakening soda only why not get tooth paste with bakening soda?
I would guess that bakening soda may help to rid you of bad breath but if you are brushing twice a day and daily flossing and using a mouthwash and still have bad breath issues.
I do not think that baken soda will help you much. At that point there seems to be a biger issue at hand. Talk to a dentist have them check you teeth and gums for any signs that you have tooth decay or gum disease. Since both can cause you to have continuely bad breath.
If it not then you need to speek to a doctor to rule out other health issues for your bad breath. I would not fall into a trap of thinking that one thing may be the answer for all.
Athough baken soda may not hurt your teeth and I guess you could give it a try. Just do not over do it.
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd 2010 10:00 AM at 10:00 am
Baken soda is some what abrasive and over time can wear down your tooth enemal that is why some people will tell you it can cause damage to your teeth.
There is so many good over the counter oral health care products that fight bad breath that you should at least try to using them. I really like ACT mouthwash for bad breath and gum care.
If you are finding that you are doing everything right by brushing twice a day and flossing daily. That using mouthwash is not helping then I to would have to suggest seeing a dentist for more answer to your bad breath issues.