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Archive for the 'Dental Plans' Category

Dental 4 less – Your Teeth and Wine 

Wine may improve in flavor with age, but its high acidic content can harm your teeth. Wine’s acidity can swiftly erode the enamel of your teeth, leaving them vulnerable to damage. Additionally, the dark pigments in red wine and some white wines can cause stains on the teeth, affecting their appearance. Furthermore, indulging in wine can contribute to dry mouth, which can lead to oral health issues.

Dental HMOs Insurance Plans, picking a California Plan Dentist.

When you get a dental HMO and have to choose a dentist in the network, how do you choose the best one? I can only afford a dental HMO insurance plan. Since I do not have a current dentist, choosing one in a network is not a big deal other than ensuring stuff gets done.

Reply: You want to start with calling the dental office in the plan network of providers and confirming that they are still accepting the plan and new patients. Once you confirm that, the next step would be to ask some basic questions that may be important to you. Such as hours of operations, how long they have been in business if you have any special needs, and whether the office can address your needs. Do they have a website you can review for additional information about the dental office? You should check review sites such as Yahoo, google, and Yelp, to name a few. Remember that people tend to want to leave reviews when they have a terrible experience, but only sometimes when they do not. However, if one office has excessively bad reviews, you may want to rethink picking them as a provider.

Find the Most Affordable Dental Plan Options.

Dental health care is critical, and there are many ways to ensure you do all you can for your oral health care. There are many ways to ensure you are doing all you can for oral health care: simple things like brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, using tarter control, and gum care mouthwash. The primary dental care you do for yourself is low-cost and takes very little time each day. The next step is to see a dentist at least twice a year for check-ups and cleanings.

Cost can be a factor, but it does not have to be. One way to control dental costs is through a low-cost dental insurance plan. Many dental insurance plans offer free to low-cost preventive dental care. The money you spend on dental insurance is well worth it. And by seeing your dentist regularly, you will avoid any major dental issues. However, if you need more extensive dental services, having dental insurance will also help control your dental cost. Be thoughtful about your oral health and think ahead. Good dental care now makes for good dental care in the future.

California Dental Network HMO Plan 460 Reviewed

The popular California Dental Network HMO Plan 460 was reviewed online today at YouTube. Here is the link   We can help place your dental order online.  This dental plan offers individual and family dental services to eligible residents in the household, including their lawful spouse and dependent children.

Dependents shall also include all unmarried children under the age of 19 who are chiefly dependent on the subscriber for support and maintenance. Extension of eligibility may be made up to the age of 23 years for unmarried children who are principally dependent upon the subscriber and are registered students in regular, full-time attendance at an accredited school, college, or university (subscriber will be required to submit evidence of full-time status).

Posted on Aug. 24th 2012, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

California Dental Network HMO Plan 411 Reviewed on YouTube

The popular California Dental Network HMO Plan 411 was reviewed online today at YouTube. Here is the link   We can help place your dental order online.  This dental plan offers individual and family dental services to eligible residents in the household, including their lawful spouse and dependent children.

Dependents shall also include all unmarried children under the age of 19 who are chiefly dependent on the subscriber for support and maintenance. Extension of eligibility may be made up to the age of 23 years for unmarried children who are principally dependent upon the subscriber and are registered students in regular, full-time attendance at an accredited school, college, or university (subscriber will be required to submit evidence of full-time status).

There are no deductibles and no yearly limits on services, and there are no claim forms to fill out. Your savings are in place when you visit network dentist. You just show up for your dental appointment and make your co-payment – what could be easier? The dentists must meet the Plan’s standard of quality and service. All have agreed to provide dental care at a low cost available only to its members. There is no waiting period for your dental services to begin, pre-existing dental conditions are covered. A reminder your application must be received by the company on or before the last day of the month prior to the following month’s coverage effective date.

Posted on Aug. 23rd 2012, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

California Dental Network HMO Plan 595 Reviewed on YouTube

The popular California Dental Network HMO Plan 595 was reviewed online today at YouTube. Here is the link  We can help place your dental order online. California Dental Network HMO Dental Plans Dental plan offers individual and family dental services to eligible residents in the household, including their lawful spouse and dependent children.

Dependents shall also include all unmarried children under the age of 19 who are chiefly dependent on the subscriber for support and maintenance. Extension of eligibility may be made up to the age of 23 years for unmarried children who are principally dependent upon the subscriber and are registered students in regular, full-time attendance at an accredited school, college, or university (subscriber will be required to submit evidence of full-time status).

There are no deductibles and no yearly limits on services, and there are no claim forms to fill out. The dentists must meet the Plan’s standard of quality and service. All have agreed to provide dental care at a low cost available only to its members. There is no waiting period for your dental services to begin, pre-existing dental conditions are covered. A reminder your application must be received by the company on or before the last day of the month prior to the following month’s coverage effective date. Extension of eligibility may be made up to the age of 23 years for unmarried children who are principally dependent upon the subscriber and are registered students in regular, full-time attendance at an accredited school, college, or university (subscriber will be required to submit evidence of full-time status). There are no deductibles and no yearly limits on services, and there are no claim forms to fill out.

The dentists must meet the Plan’s standard of quality and service. All have agreed to provide dental care at a low cost available only to its members. There is no waiting period for your dental services to begin, pre-existing dental conditions are covered. A reminder your application must be received by the company on or before the last day of the month prior to the following month’s coverage effective date.


Posted on Aug. 22nd 2012, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Insurance Dental plans in Washington.

Insurance Dental plans in Washington. I live in Washington and I am going to school full time. I live with my parents so I do still have major medical though their medical plan. However, they do not have dental insurance and I have not been to the dentist in well over three years.

My teeth do not hurt and I do brush and floss daily like I should. I would like to get a low cost dental plan to help me with the cost of seeing a dentist. Are your dental plans good and will they save me money?

Posted on Apr. 18th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Dental care, Dental Insurance plans in Texas

Dental care, Dental Insurance plans in Texas. I need help. My mom had bad teeth and does not have any dental insurance and is on a really fixed income. I am trying to help her the best I can and would like to get her a dental plan so she can start having some decent dental care.

My momneeds to see a dentist sooner then later so can you advise a good dental insurance, dental plan that does not have really long waiting periods for services to be covered.

Posted on Apr. 15th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Cheap dental insurance dental plan in New York.

Cheap dental insurance dental plan in New York. I do not have much money and my mom will be helping me out with the cost of finding a dental plan. She said she would pay $20 a month toward the cost of any dental plan I could find.

Therefore I would like to keep the cost in that price range so I do not have to add more money out of my pocket for dental insurance that I can not really afford. Please advise what you have that can help me so I can see the dentist.

Posted on Apr. 11th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Senior Citizens Dental Insurance, Dental Plans for Kentucky.

Senior Citizens Dental Insurance, Dental Plans for Kentucky. I am a senior citizen on a fixed income. Looking to get affordable dental care for myself. Which is cheaper to get dental insurance or a dental plan? Which is better to use in the long run? I am new to having to get dental insurance on my own and just want to stay within my budget of what I can afford. Please advise what you would think is good for a senior citizen to get.


Posted on Mar. 23rd 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Dental plan for a low income student living in California

Dental plan for a low income student living in California. I am a full time low income student. I have very little extra money after paying bills and schooling. I am lucky that I have some medical but I do not have anything for my dental care. I would like to go to see a dentist for at least a checkup and teeth cleaning since it been a while since I last had that done. Do you offer any low income dental plans for students?


Posted on Mar. 21st 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Dental insurance plans for low income people.

Dental insurance plans for low income people. I am single and jobless working only odd jobs when I can find them. I have bad teeth that I been putting up with for a long time now. Yesterday on of my molars broke and is causing me to have more pain then I normally have. I live in Georgia and I need to see a dentist but do not have any money, Where can I go for dental care help? Are there any low income dental plans that I could get that will help me? Please advise

Posted on Mar. 18th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Dental Insurance Plans in California.

Dental Insurance Plans in California. I looking for a good low cost dental insurance plan that does not have any long terms waiting periods. Something that can help me right away. I do not have dental insurance currently but I know my teeth needs more then just a cleaning since I have not seen a dentist in a few years. I am 20 and now that I am working a full time job I feel I can afford to get some dental care. Can you please advise what is the better low cost dental plan to get. Thanks

Posted on Mar. 13th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Can you use dental insurance in conjunction with a dental discount plan?

Can you use dental insurance in conjunction with a dental discount plan?  About four months ago I got dental insurance though Delta Dental from my employer.  Reading the plan terms I have waiting periods and a $1000 annual max limitation per person.

I know I have dental work that will fall into the waiting periods that I want to have done now since my Delta Dental is not going to cover it any way can I get a dental discount plan in the meen time to help me out on the cost of the dental services I do need right away?

Posted on Feb. 25th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Alternatives Discount Dental Plans for Individual in Virginia

Alternatives Discount Dental Plans for Individual in Virginia.  I do not have dental insurance and as a part time worker full time student I can not afford the high cost of dental insurance.  My friend at school told me to look into getting  a dental discount plan which is a low cost alternative to dental insurance.   Can you tell me more about dental discount plans and how they work?

Posted on Feb. 24th 2011, by Gina, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Individual Dental and Vision Insurance Plans quotes for Pennsylvania

Individual Dental and Vision Insurance Plans quotes for Pennsylvania.  I am looking for both dental and vision plans for my mother.  Right now she only has medicare/medicaid which is not helping her out with the cost of dental care or getting glasses at an affordable cost for her.

I would like a dental plan that also has vision but I would be willing to pay for two plans one for dental and one for vision however it had to get worked out.  I want my mother to have good care for both.  Can you please advise.

Posted on Feb. 18th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

New York dental discount plan for a minor

New York dental discount plan for a minor.  My son is seven and he lives with his mom in New York.  I live in New Jersey and I see him every other weekend and Summer vacation.  I pay for the cost of my son dental care in full.  I was wanting to know if I can get him a dental discount plan so I can help cut my cost?

Posted on Feb. 17th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Dental Insurance Quote for a Nationwide Dental Plan

Dental Insurance Quote for a Nationwide Dental Plan:  I current live in New Jersey but I do so much traveling with my job that what I really need is a dental plan that I can use anywhere in the US.  

My job does not offer dental benefits and since I do travel  it is hard to see just one dentist in my home area.  Do you offer any dental plans that  I can use regardless of what state I may be in at the time?  If so how much do they run a month.?  Thank you

Posted on Feb. 16th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

Low cost monthly dental insurance plans for New York.

Low cost monthly dental insurance plans for New York.   Why is dental insurance so costly?  I do not have any major dental issue but I would still like to be able to have dental insurnce for all my basic dental care needs and to be able to see the dentist twice a year like I should.

However when the cost for an individual dental insurance plans are runing $45 – $50 or even more a month I just think that is so high.   My medical insurance is only costing me $60 a month. Now I know my job is paying some of the cost for my medical but still I can not see spending almost the same amount for dental.

Posted on Feb. 14th 2011, by Gina, in Dental Plans, No Comments »

California dental, What’s the difference between dental insurance and dental plans?

California dental, What’s the difference between dental insurance and dental plans?  I live in the San Fransico Bay area and I need to see a dentist.   I do not receive any dental benefits though my employer so I am trying to shop out for a dental insurance plan I can get for myself.

So I googled California Dental Insurance, but mostly only dental plans keep coming up.  What is the difference?  Can you recommend any specific dental insurance or dental plan that you have to offer?

Posted on Feb. 8th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, 4 Comments »

Dental Discount Plans for California and Arizona

Dental Discount Plans for California and Arizona:  Right now I do live part time in Arizona and part time in California.  I am in both state often but I guess I am mostly in California since when I in Arizona I am staying with my parents.  

I would like to get a dental plan that will offer dental benefits in both states.  That way I do not have to worry about have a dentist issue come up in one state but not being able to use it when I need to.

Posted on Feb. 4th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, 3 Comments »

Monthly dental plans for adult braces in Connecticut

Monthly dental plans for adult braces in Connecticut:  My son is 26 and needs to have braces.  He has crooked teeth since he was a child.  We never really could afford to put in him braces at the time and I am wanting to help him out a little now with the cost of braces by getting him a dental plan.  Do you offer any dental plans that are paid monthly and offers adult braces?

Posted on Feb. 3rd 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, 1 Comment »

Dental Insurance for less in Georgia. Low cost dental plan

Dental Insurance for less in Georgia.  Low cost dental plan:  I am looking for a low cost dental plan that will help me be able to start going to the dentist again.  I noticing many online dental discount plans.  They do seem to be within what I can afford to spend but are they really any good?  Or would it be better for me to choice one of your dental insurance plans?

Posted on Feb. 2nd 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, 2 Comments »

Pennsylvania insurance dental plans for a full time student

Pennsylvania insurance dental plans for a full time student:  I am going to school full time and live in Pennsylvania.  I only get medical right now though my parents plan but they do not have dental.    I have not been to the dentist in over two years and I would like to start going again just so I do not start to have dental issues.  Looking for an affordable dental insurance plan that I can pay for out of my limited budget.

Posted on Jan. 29th 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, 2 Comments »

Insurance Dental Plan in Florida, Getting a good dental plan

Insurance Dental Plan in Florida, Getting a good dental plan:  I live in Florida and I have no dental insurance or any type of dental care help.  I am 65 and on a fixed income.  I have a friend that told me about getting a dental discount plan on line. 

She said they are low cost and will at least off set my dental cost at the dentist.  She know I have very little extra money to spend on a plan and I can not afford dental insurance.  I really only go on line to check my e-mails from my kids and to get pictures of my grand kids. 

I do not know much about getting dental insurance on line but my friend got me to this site can you tell me about the plan you have and do I have to buy them online?   For me I think it would be easier if someone could send me an application or take my order over the phone.

Posted on Jan. 23rd 2011, by Dental, in Dental Plans, No Comments »
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