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Archive for the 'Insurance Coverages' Category

Dental Hazard of Drinking Coffee and Tea – Dental 4 Less

Although one of America’s favorite morning and afternoon beverages may be coffee and tea, they have compounds called tannins, which can cause unsightly stains and discoloring of your teeth. Therefore, to avoid staining your teeth, limit the amount of coffee and tea you drink throughout the day. If you drink coffee and tea, do so with a straw to limit contact with your teeth. Avoid slowly drinking these types of drinks. It can be fun to hang out at the local coffee house and buy one cup of coffee during your hour or more stay, but it could be more fun for your teeth if you don’t baby your drink or at least drink through a straw.

California Dental Teeth Care, Eating After Dental Bonding.

Question: I just got some dental bonding on five teeth. However, I did not ask my dentist if it was okay for me to eat anything or if I needed to wait. If so, how long do I need to wait after having bonding done? I need to know.

Reply: You don’t have to wait to eat or drink after your appointment. However, you may experience slight tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after teeth bonding for a few days afterward. To prevent staining, avoid or keep to a minimum coffee, tea, soy sauce, colas, grape juice, blueberries, fresh cherries, and acidic foods like citrus juices and tomato sauce. You may want to call your dentist, who did the bonding, for any aftercare instructions, which they would typically give you at the time of your appointment.

Dental 4 Less – Insurance and Thinking Ahead

You should think ahead when getting dental insurance.

It may seem surprising that many people do not have dental insurance. However, dental insurance benefits are only sometimes offered through work, so people do without until a significant dental need arises. The problem with waiting until you need dental insurance is that it can be too late to get the type of dental insurance you want. You may need a dental PPO plan to stay with your dentist.

However, most dental PPO plans have long-term waiting periods, so you may not get the coverage you seek when not bought early. If you have a dentist you do not wish to change, find out what dental plans you would need to stay with their dental office. If you are with a dental office that only accepts PPO dental plans, you should consider getting a PPO plan now to have a plan in place for your future dental needs, whether for preventive dental care or major dental care.

Dental 4 Less, Questions to Ask When Picking a Potential New Dentist Part Two

In a prior post we talked about questions to ask a dentist when choosing a new potential dental office. Here are some more questions you may wish to ask and keep in mind.

* How long does it take to get a dental appointment? You may want to say away from dental offices that are so far booked up that making a dental appointment for yourself becomes difficult

* Do they charge for missed or broken dental appointments. If so how much advance notice is required in order not to be charged.

* Does the dentist take continuing education courses and stay up to date with the latest techniques?

* Does the office offer any kind of payment plans? Many dental offices are starting to offer financing plans.

* Will the dentist office file the claims for you or will you have to do it yourself?

* Will the dentist accept your co pay or will you be required to pay the full amount up front and be reimbursed by your dental insurance company later?

Posted on Dec. 1st 2017, by Dental, in Insurance Coverages, No Comments »

Insurance Dental Implant benefits, in Virginia

Insurance Dental Implant benefits, in Virginia. Although I have dental benefits though my employer my plan does not offer any coverage for dental implants. I have six teeth that need to be pulled and I do not want to wear partials. I looking for any type of help that I can find for getting dental implants. I live in Virginia and would like to know what dental plan you have that can help me with having dental implants benefits


Posted on Apr. 19th 2011, by Dental, in Insurance Coverages, 1 Comment »

Personal dental health insurance plans in North Carolina.

Personal dental health insurance plans in North Carolina. I looking for a good dental insurance plan that is not some low cost dental discounted plan. I have those types of dental plans in the past and they never seemed to work as well as they lead you to believe.

I am now wanting to spend the money for a real dental insurance plan and one where I can choose my own dentist not just have a to pick within a network of poor providers. Cost is not much of an issue for me at this point but would like to keep it under $40 a month if possible. What can you suggest.

Posted on Apr. 12th 2011, by Gina, in Insurance Coverages, 1 Comment »

Shopping for New Hampshire Dental Insurance Plans for a Family

Shopping for New Hampshire Dental Insurance Plans for a Family:  I have dental insurance benefits offer to me for my family though my employer, however my wife does not really care for the dental plan we have.   She says it really does not offer good dental benefits.

Right now we are paying $109.52 a month for the dental and my job is paying only $25.00 of the cost so changing plans would be okay by me.  I told her I would shop out dental insurance plans and if we can find something along the lines of what we are paying with better coverages we could make the switch.  Can you advise what dental plans you have?

Posted on Feb. 17th 2011, by Dental, in Insurance Coverages, No Comments »

Finding a good dental insurance plan in Florida

Finding a good dental insurance plan in Florida:  Why is it so hard to have a good dental insurance plan?  Does anyone know why it seems that there are no good dental insurance plans?

Both my husband and I have dental insurance with our jobs but the plan are so bad they are really not worth much.   In fact what is really upsetting is that our plan cost has gone up but our coverages went down this year.  I do not see the point in keeping out plans.

Why is dental insurance so horrible?  Dental insurance should not be a  luxury.  Yet every day people and their families get such bad dental benefits that they still can not afford to go to the dentist.

Posted on Feb. 7th 2011, by Dental, in Insurance Coverages, 4 Comments »

Dental for less, looking to get a dental root canal done

I am in need of a root canal and I am told by my dentist I will also more then likely need to have it crowned.  I do not have dental insurance and been paying for my own dental care.  However when the cost is going to be more then my credit care limit I start to really realize that I need some help.

I am looking for dental insurance where I can stay with my dentist and not have to long of a waiting period.  My tooth does not hurt right now and the dentist said I could try and baby it for a while but says it should be done as soon a possible.  He told me the plans they take normally have waiting periods so I am aware of them just looking for the best possible plan.  Thanks.

Posted on Aug. 28th 2010, by Dental, in Insurance Coverages, 3 Comments »

How do you get a Family Dental Insurance plan.

I am a mother of two boys.  I am a signal mom however my X is willing to pay for the dental insurance since I do not get that though my job.  He told me to just get whatever plan I wanted and he would pay for it.

So I have to find a family dental plan for me and my boys.  Even though my X will be paying for my plan I do not want to take advantage so I would still like to get a low cost dental plan as much as possible.  I just not sure were to start.  Can you give me some advise?  This is the first time I am buying any type of dental insurance.

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Posted on Jul. 19th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Insurance Coverages, No Comments »

Dental Insurance Coverages, Is there any way around the waiting periods?

I have a PPO that has waiting period for almost every thing.  Since I have the plan now for seven months I only have five more months until I can have major services.  At the time I bought the plan I did not think waiting periods would be an issue and that I would be able to wait them out.   Now I need a crown that will cost about $800.00 After the waiting period the insurance company that I am with will cover 50% of the cost which is still a lot of money.

The thing is I need the crown now and waiting five more months is not a good idea.  My dentist said I really should get the crown now since it will help protect my tooth that I chipped.   Can I just get the crown now and file the claim after the waiting period?  That way at least I will get my $400.00 back in the five months after I file the claim.    I hate having to spend money that my insurance company should pay out for.

Posted on Jun. 16th 2010, by Dental, in Crowns, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Insurance Coverages, 3 Comments »

Dental Insurance Coverages, Dentures, Alinement and Repairs

I have not had dental insurance for over two years since I first got complete up and lower dentures.  At the time I did not think since I had the denture I would need to have dental insurance any more.  However, I am starting to find out that getting aliments and repairs to my dentures are costly.  Is there dental insurance for dentures?  If so what should I know before buying a plan to help me with my dentures?

Posted on Jun. 16th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentures, Insurance Coverages, 2 Comments »

Low Cost Dental, Want to change silver fillings to white colored fillings.

Is there a low cost dental plan that will cover me to change my silver filling to white or tooth colored fillings?  I got the silver filling when I was a child since that was really all they had at the time.  Now that I am much older I would like to change out the silver filling to a more natural tooth color fillings.

Mostly I want this done for looks since I do not like the way the silver filling look.  However, I  heard that silver filling were not very good for  you so that is the other reason I want to make this change.  So I am looking for a plan that can help me with the cost.

Dental for Less, Family dental plans that includes a 21 year old son not in school

I have a family of five.  Including my husband  I have two girls that are 14 – 16 and one son who is 21. My husband changed jobs and his current job does not offer dental insurance.  Since we have to buy our own dental insurance plan I am looking for a dental plan that will accept my son who still lives at home but does not currently go to school.

My son teeth are not bad but like everyone else in our family he still has to see the dentist twice a year.   I want him to have some dental coverage.  If he does not get a free cleaning and X-rays he will not go to the dentist unless I pay.  Do you have a plan that will fit my need for my son?

Posted on Jun. 15th 2010, by Dental, in Cleaning, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Insurance Coverages, 1 Comment »

Dental for Less, Need major dental work have no dental insurance

I really need your help and advise.   I am 24 with a really bad tooth ache.  I have not seen the dentist in well a long time.  I pretty sure I have at least a cavity issue going on at worse I may even need a root canal which means a crown too.  I am not sure since I am not a dentist what I will really need.  I only know that there is no way I am able to have any waiting periods for dental service.   I really need something that start ASAP  I am in that much pain.   Can you advise on what type of plan will help me with my current needs.   Thanks

Posted on Jun. 15th 2010, by Dental, in Crowns, Dental help, Filings, Insurance Coverages, Root Canals, 1 Comment »

Dental Insurance, Business Dental or Group Dental Plans

As a business owner, you are facing many difficult dental insurance plan decisions. One of the decisions is buying a business dental plan. Business dental insurance plans have become essential to businesses due to the increasing benefit needs of the employees, especially when they visit the dentist.

Group business dental insurance coverage is more affordable since all the participants of the plan are under one policy normally paid by the employer. Offering dental insurance to employees can aid in the employer recruitment and retention.

Studies indicate that supplemental employee benefits such as dental insurance can help retain high quality employees. The cost for business dental insurance will very, depending on the number of employees, the plan specifications, employee contributions, and the cost limitations you specify with your dental insurance agent.

Posted on Jun. 15th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Insurance Coverages, No Comments »

Dental Insurance Coverages, How do I compare dental coverages

Hi I was on your site and I live in California.  I was looking at the Golden West dental plan.  I need help in understanding the coverages.   I know I am going to need a cleaning more then likely a deep cleaning since it has been some time since I last saw a dentist.

I also think filling will be necessary too.  I been having issues with two of my teeth.  They seem to hurt off and on.  Any way when I look at the plan there are a Doz or more filling and I am not sure where to find a deep cleaning.  That is the same for a crown there is like seven different cost for crowns.  How am I to know what one is needed so I can figure out my cost for those services and compare it to your other plans.   Please advise

Dental Insurance, Can not find the dental ADA code I need.

I have been looking at all your dental insurance plans you have available as well as some dental insurance plans  on other web sites.   My problem is my dentist gave me a treatment plan with ADA codes and I am using it to find insurance that will help me with the cost.  So far there are two codes I can not seem to find on your plans or any other plans I looked at.  Does that mean that services is not covered?  They are the ones that cost the most so a course they be the ones not listed.   Where do I find a plan that covers all dental services?

Posted on Jun. 14th 2010, by Dental, in ADA Codes, Dental Insurance, Insurance Coverages, 1 Comment »

Dental Insurance, Looking for no waiting periods, Need dental work ASAP

I have to have  more then just preventive dental care.  Therefore I would need to have a dental insurance without waiting periods for basic and major dental services.   I would like to stay with my own dentist but I am willing to change dentist if I have to in order to get dental insurance for all my dental needs.   What type of dental insurance plan would you advise me to look at?

Posted on Jun. 14th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Insurance Coverages, No Comments »

Dental Insurance, What is a missing tooth clause?

Over the coarse of three years I have lost a few teeth.   I did not have dental insurance and to be frank did not like going to the dentist.   I am now paying the price for having such a bad attitude about dentist and oral hygiene.   I want to start doing what is right and get my teeth fixed up however way necessary.

So I first started looking into getting dental insurance.  Many of the plans I see have long term waiting period for the dental services I am sure to need.  I may be willing to put up with the waiting periods since it was I who let things get so bad.  However a friend told me to beware of missing teeth clause.  She said many dental insurance plans have them so in the end I still will not have coverage to fix my missing teeth.   Is that true?  If so what is a missing tooth clause and would I fall into it?

Posted on Jun. 13th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Insurance Coverages, No Comments »
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