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Archive for the 'Dental Discount Plans' Category

Dental 4 Less – Baby Dental Care Starts With Mom

It’s important to understand that your baby’s dental care starts with your healthy pregnancy. Baby teeth form before birth, and your diet and oral health are key factors. Your doctor’s advice on a balanced, nutritious diet and adequate vitamins and minerals is crucial. Don’t avoid your dentist; unfortunately, many pregnant women do. However, it’s safe to see a dentist during pregnancy, and it’s actually essential. Despite the increased risk of gum disease, pregnant women can maintain their oral health by visiting their dentist regularly, without any harm to their baby.

Dental 4 Less – Stay Away From Sticky, Sugary Candy 

Food texture can cause problems with teeth. Sticky substances seem to find their way between teeth and along gum lines. The bacteria in your mouth interact with the sugars to weaken tooth enamel. Therefore, avoid candies such as toffee and anything gummy (such as gummy bears). If you do eat this type of treat, be extra diligent with your flossing and brushing afterward.

Dental 4 less – Limiting Your Refined Carbohydrates  

It’s no secret that avoiding flour-based, white, starchy foods can be a challenge. However, the benefits of limiting your intake of refined carbohydrates for the sake of good dental health are worth it. Refined carbohydrates have been linked to heightened inflammation, which can lead to oral health issues such as gingivitis. On the other hand, opting for whole grains and less processed carbohydrates can significantly contribute to maintaining healthy teeth and gums, giving you more reasons to make these healthier choices.

Dental HMOs Insurance Plans, picking a California Plan Dentist.

When you get a dental HMO and have to choose a dentist in the network, how do you choose the best one? I can only afford a dental HMO insurance plan. Since I do not have a current dentist, choosing one in a network is not a big deal other than ensuring stuff gets done.

Reply: You want to start with calling the dental office in the plan network of providers and confirming that they are still accepting the plan and new patients. Once you confirm that, the next step would be to ask some basic questions that may be important to you. Such as hours of operations, how long they have been in business if you have any special needs, and whether the office can address your needs. Do they have a website you can review for additional information about the dental office? You should check review sites such as Yahoo, google, and Yelp, to name a few. Remember that people tend to want to leave reviews when they have a terrible experience, but only sometimes when they do not. However, if one office has excessively bad reviews, you may want to rethink picking them as a provider.

Find the Most Affordable Dental Plan Options.

Dental health care is critical, and there are many ways to ensure you do all you can for your oral health care. There are many ways to ensure you are doing all you can for oral health care: simple things like brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, using tarter control, and gum care mouthwash. The primary dental care you do for yourself is low-cost and takes very little time each day. The next step is to see a dentist at least twice a year for check-ups and cleanings.

Cost can be a factor, but it does not have to be. One way to control dental costs is through a low-cost dental insurance plan. Many dental insurance plans offer free to low-cost preventive dental care. The money you spend on dental insurance is well worth it. And by seeing your dentist regularly, you will avoid any major dental issues. However, if you need more extensive dental services, having dental insurance will also help control your dental cost. Be thoughtful about your oral health and think ahead. Good dental care now makes for good dental care in the future.

California Dental Teeth Care, Eating After Dental Bonding.

Question: I just got some dental bonding on five teeth. However, I did not ask my dentist if it was okay for me to eat anything or if I needed to wait. If so, how long do I need to wait after having bonding done? I need to know.

Reply: You don’t have to wait to eat or drink after your appointment. However, you may experience slight tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after teeth bonding for a few days afterward. To prevent staining, avoid or keep to a minimum coffee, tea, soy sauce, colas, grape juice, blueberries, fresh cherries, and acidic foods like citrus juices and tomato sauce. You may want to call your dentist, who did the bonding, for any aftercare instructions, which they would typically give you at the time of your appointment.

Affordable family dental insurance that will not make you pay upfront for dental services.  

Question: I need to find a family dental plan where we can all go to the dentist whenever we need to and pay the dental office bills after the dental insurance company pays their part before making us pay our share of the cost.

In the past, we had plans to pay the dentist upfront for the total cost of our dental services and wait for the insurance company to refund us. In this day and age, who can afford to do that? I know we can not. 

Those types of dental insurance plans keep us from going to the dentist, and at that point, I do not see paying $120 a month for a dental insurance plan we do not even use because we can not pay upfront for dental services. What options are left for us that would be more affordable?

Reply: Welcome! I hope you are doing well today. I want to discuss dental insurance plans and how claims are processed. I can understand why the claims process can be upsetting, particularly regarding how claims are paid. Let me assure you that you are not alone. Many people have questions about dental insurance plans and how they work.

Based on what you have told me, you have either a dental PPO or an Indemnity dental insurance plan. If you like the plan benefits and coverages overall and it is just about how claims are paid, consider talking to your dentist. With dental PPO and Indemnity plans, the payment process and how the dentist gets paid is really up to the dental office. It does not typically come from your insurance company.

The dentist can choose to submit the claim and get paid by the insurance company before billing out any remaining balances to their patient. In the past, many dental offices processed claims that way. However, sadly, many patients would fail to pay their part, and then the dentist’s office would have to chase them down for payment. This is why many dental offices have started billing their patients in full and making them file claims to the insurance company to get paid back (refunded) the part due them.

Some dental offices charge you what they think your part of the cost would be based on your policy coverages, then bill or credit you depending on the outcome. However, few dentists still do this, as it can still be an issue of fully getting paid for services already rendered.

Based on what we have discussed, it is not an issue with the insurance plan per se but more of knowing how your dentist is willing to file claims and how they expect you to pay for services. Therefore, if you are still facing issues with your dental insurance plan, you may need to change your dental office, not your dental insurance plan. I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Dental Insurance Coverage: Is there any way to get around the waiting periods?

Question: I have a PPO that has a waiting period for almost everything. Since I have the plan for seven months, I only have five more months until I can have significant services. When I bought the plan, I did not think waiting periods would be an issue and that I could wait them out. Now, I need a crown that will cost about $900.00. After the waiting period, the insurance company that I am with will cover 50% of the cost.

I need the crown now; are there better ideas than waiting five more months? My dentist said I should get the crown now since it will help protect my chipped tooth. Can I get the crown and file the claim after the waiting period? That way, I will at least get my $450.00 back in the five months after I file the claim. I hate spending money that my insurance company should pay out for.

Reply: I can understand your frustration with waiting for the insurance company to cover the cost of your crown. It’s good that you have consulted with your dentist and know the importance of getting the crown to protect your chipped tooth. 

Consider asking your dentist if they offer any payment plans or financing options. A payment plan could allow you to get the crown and pay for it over time rather than waiting for your insurance to kick in. 

I would advise against filing the claim after the waiting period. Most insurance companies have policies requiring claims to be filed within a specific time frame, typically within a few months of the service date. 

It’s important to understand that filing a claim for a service received during a waiting period but saying it was after could be considered insurance fraud. If someone files a claim with false information, the insurance company may deny it, revoke the policy, or even pursue legal action.

Suppose an individual receives crown treatment during the waiting period of their insurance policy and submits a claim stating that the treatment was accepted after the waiting period. In such cases, the insurance company considers this act as fraudulent. If the insurance company uncovers this false information, it will reject the claim and inquire into the policyholder’s other claims and medical history. This could result in a considerable hike in insurance premiums or even policy cancellation. Moreover, most dental offices file the claim to the insurance company, and it is doubtful that they would mistakenly mislead the insurance company about the date of service.

In short, honesty is always the best policy for filing insurance claims. It’s essential to follow the insurance company’s rules and regulations and not engage in fraudulent activities. If you have any doubts or questions about your insurance policy, it’s always a good idea to contact your insurance provider for clarification.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you. It may be worth weighing the pros and cons of waiting for insurance coverage versus paying for the crown out of pocket and considering any payment options that may be available to you.

Consider a Temporary Crown for Your Chipped Tooth: Benefits, Insurance Coverage, and Advice from Dentist

You could discuss with your dentist the possibility of getting a temporary crown until your waiting period is over. Temporary crowns are acrylic and designed to protect your chipped tooth, maintain your bite, and prevent further damage until the permanent crown is ready.

Temporary crowns are typically much less expensive than permanent crowns, which could make them a more affordable choice for you. Some dental insurance policies cover the cost of temporary crowns, even during the waiting period before placing a permanent crown. It’s always a good idea to check with your dental insurance company’s member service to verify if they cover temporary crowns. If they do, it can help you make an informed decision about your dental care and save you money. Feel free to ask your dentist about the pros and cons of temporary versus permanent crowns and which option might suit your situation.

However, it’s essential to remember that temporary crowns are less durable and long-lasting than permanent crowns and will eventually need to be replaced. Your dentist can advise you on whether a temporary crown is the best option for your situation and help you make an informed decision.  

Getting a Dental HMO Insurance Plan

An alternative solution to consider when needing a crown during a waiting period is to purchase a dental HMO insurance plan that does not have waiting periods. This option can help reduce the crown cost if you have yet to start any work on the tooth that needs the crown. 

However, it’s important to note that this may require you to change to a different dental office that accepts the HMO plan. Fortunately, many dental offices accept HMO plans, so finding a new provider that meets your needs should not be difficult. Be sure to consult with your dentist and insurance provider to discuss this option and determine whether it is the right choice.

Dental Discount Plan May Help You Save Money During a Waiting Period

Dental discount plans are an alternative option that can help you save money on dental services, including crowns, during a waiting period. These plans are not insurance policies but membership-based programs offering discounted rates for dental services. 

Dental discount plans typically have no waiting periods and can be used immediately. You can enroll in a dental discount plan and access discounted dental services, including crowns, immediately, even if your current dental insurance plan has a waiting period.

One of the benefits of dental discount plans is that they often offer significant discounts on dental services. The discounts can vary depending on the plan and the provider, but they can range from 10% to 60% off the regular cost of dental services. 

Another advantage of dental discount plans is that they are generally easy to use. Once you sign up for the plan, you can present your membership card at the dental office to receive the discounted rate. No claim forms or waiting periods; you can use the plan as often as needed.

It’s important to note that dental discount plans are not insurance policies, so they do not cover the entire cost of dental services. Instead, they offer discounted rates to help you save money on dental care. Dental discount plans may be a good option for people who do not have dental insurance or who have a waiting period on their current dental insurance plan.

Cash Discount May be an Option 

If you choose to get the dental crown during the waiting period, it’s worth discussing with your dentist whether they offer a cash discount for services not filed with insurance. Some dental offices may provide a discount for patients who pay in cash, saving them the time and cost of filing an insurance claim. It’s always a good idea to ask your dentist about any discounts or payment options.

Additionally, a cash discount could help you save money in the long run, especially if you don’t plan on using your insurance for any other dental procedures during the waiting period. However, it’s essential to remember that not all dental offices offer a cash discount, and the discount amount can vary. 

Therefore, it’s essential to discuss the cost of the crown with your dentist and any payment options available. Being transparent with your dentist about your financial situation can help them better understand your needs and find ways to work with you to provide the best possible care.

Finding Affordable Dental Insurance Plans with

In conclusion, waiting for insurance coverage for necessary dental procedures can be frustrating, but it’s essential to avoid committing insurance fraud. Filing a claim with false information can lead to severe consequences, including policy cancellation, legal action, and a considerable hike in insurance premiums. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider alternative options when needing immediate dental care, such as payment plans, temporary crowns, or purchasing a dental HMO plan without waiting periods. offers a wide range of dental plan types that can assist you in finding an affordable and reliable dental insurance plan that meets your specific needs. Our team of experts is available during business hours of M-F 8-4, and we’re always happy to help. We understand that dental care can be expensive, and we aim to provide options that make it more affordable while ensuring you receive the care you need.

We believe honesty is always the best policy when filing insurance claims. Therefore, we encourage you to avoid fraudulent activities and follow your insurance company’s rules and regulations. If you have any questions or doubts about your policy, please don’t hesitate to contact your insurance provider for clarification.

In summary, exploring alternative options and finding a dental insurance plan that meets your needs is a better and more honest approach than filing a claim with false information. can help you find affordable and reliable dental insurance plans that fit your budget and dental care needs. Contact us today at 310-534-3444 during our business hours of M-F 8-4, and let us assist you in finding the right plan for you.

Dental 4 Less – Dental Discount Plans

I do not have current dental insurance and very little money. My dentist told me I needed dental work on my teeth, so I started looking for dental insurance. Right now, insurance seems too costly for me, but some friends tell me to avoid dental discount plans because they are not insurance. Is this true?

Reply: That is correct. Dental discount plans are not insurance. Dental discount plans help you save money on your dental care cost as long as you go to a dentist who is a provider of the plan. Discount plans are an excellent way to help make dental care more affordable at a low cost. If you want dental insurance, consider reviewing dental HMO plans. Dental HMO plans are the more affordable dental insurance option.

Dental Discount Plans: An Affordable Alternative to Traditional Dental Insurance – Dental 4 Less

I do not have current dental insurance and very little money. My dentist told me I needed dental work on my teeth, so I started looking for dental insurance. Right now, insurance seems too costly for me, but some friends tell me to avoid dental discount plans because they are not insurance. Is this true? 

Reply: That is correct. Dental discount plans are not insurance. Dental discount plans help you save money on your dental care cost as long as you go to a dentist who is the plan’s provider. Discount plans are an excellent way to help make dental care more affordable at a low cost. If you want dental insurance, consider reviewing dental HMO plans. Dental HMO plans are the more affordable dental insurance option.

Posted on Jan. 10th 2024, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, Dental Insurance, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, Dental Plans Alternatives for Seniors

One large problem for many seniors in taking care of their oral and dental health is cost. The cost of seeing a dentist exceeds their budget. That is because many seniors do not have dental insurance and the cost of dental insurance can also exceed their budget. However there is a low cost dental alternative for seniors. Dental discount plans are available in most states they run around $10.00 a month and greatly reduce dental care cost. Making dental care more affordable.

Posted on Dec. 13th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth by joining an artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants.

Posted on Dec. 11th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, What is Local Anesthesia

 Local Anesthesia: The loss of pain sensation over a specific area of the anatomy without loss of consciousness. The most commonly used local anesthetic is lidocaine. Lidocaine half-life in the body is about 1.5–2 hours. Other local anesthetics in current use include articaine, septocaine, marcaine (a long-acting anesthetic), and mepivacaine. A combination of these may be used depending on the situation

Posted on Nov. 13th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, Can Senior Have Braces

I am 54 not quite a senior but I over the year my teeth have shifted. They are health no cavities but I would like nice straight teeth. Am I too old for braces?

Answer: No you are not too old. there is no age limit for correcting misaligned teeth. The process used to move teeth is the same at any age. Therefore the benefits of orthodontic treatment are available to you regardless of age. The main differences between orthodontic treatments in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults may require more than braces alone and the treatments may take longer because adult bones are no longer growing. Talk to your dentist and discuss your treatment options.

Posted on Sep. 17th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less On Oral Health

Oral health has significant consequences on quality of life and general health. In addition to functional and self-esteem issues that accompany bad teeth, the chronic inflammation and bacteraemia (bacteria in the blood) characteristic of poor oral health increases the incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and respiratory disease.

Posted on Aug. 13th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, Signs of Sensitive Teeth.

Many people have sensitive teeth and think that having sensitive teeth is not a big issue. However, when you feel twinges of pain or discomfort in your teeth due to drinking or eating cold things, drinking or eating hot things, eating sweet or by touching the teeth with other teeth or your tongue, these are warning signs that should be telling you to see a dentist.

Posted on Jul. 17th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, Extensive Dental Care Needed

I am 19 year old with no dental insurance and I was just told by my dentist that I have ten cavities and that three of them may need to have a root canal done. He will not be sure until he remove the decay. I am scared to have this much dental work and not sure if I should have it done. Also cost is a large fact since in order to pay for my dental care I would have to use all of my savings.

Answer: If you are scared that your dentist is advising dental work that is not needed then the best thing to do would be to get a second opinion. However whether it is one cavity or ten you are dealing with putting off your dental care is not advised. Decay will only continue and cause further damage to your dental and oral health.

I can understand that cost is a large factor, therefore I would advise you buying a low cost dental HMO insurance plan before starting your dental care treatments. Having a dental HMO insurance plan in place will help to make your dental care much more affordable. Also talk to your dentist address what is needed right away then schedule out what the rest in a time frame that you can handle this will also make paying for your dental care easier.

Posted on Jul. 7th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, How do discount dental plans work?

Question: I thinking about buying a dental discount plan just wanting to have a better understanding on how they work.

Answer: Most individual dental insurance plans require you to satisfy waiting periods and deductibles before having major and sometimes even minor restorative work done. Discount dental plans help make maintaining good oral health a lot more affordable. And, with no waiting periods or complicated coverage procedures, dental discount plans are about as simple as you can get.

How do discount dental plans work? As we become aware about our oral health, there has been a demand for affordable dental care. Discount dental plans are the newest option for those without coverage. These dental discount plans are much cheaper than traditional dental insurance, and also offer almost equal coverage for all dental work, even cosmetic procedures not covered by standard indemnity dental plans.

The catch is that dental discount plans are not really insurance at all. They work more like club memberships, where the cost of membership (your “premium”) earns a steep discount on any club service (dental work) you buy. The discount normally applies to all dental office services performed by an approved “plan” dentist, but no procedure is covered completely

Posted on May. 9th 2017, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, College student looking for good dental care.

Question: I am a college student looking for some good dental care that is low in cost. I current need at least a filling or two but I do not have current dental insurance.  My buddies have been telling me that going to the dentist is crazy expensive and that I better start saving money up before I go or I will not be able to get any dental work done.  Can you offer up some advise on where I can go for good but cheap dental care

Reply: You may want to review are dental discount plan options such as Careington dental plan 500, Atena Denta Choice+, or Dental Save+. Dental discount plans are low cost plans that help to reduce your dental care cost making dental care more affordable.  Not all plans are in every state so to see what we have available to you just enter your zip code in the quote box provided.  Also note we have some very good dental insurance plans you may also want to review. If you should have any questions please call our customer service line at 310-534-3444 M-F 8am – 4pm as we be happy to help you with choosing the best plan for your dental care needs.

Posted on May. 13th 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »


Dental 4 Less, Affordable Dental Discount Plans.  

Discount dental plans are not dental insurance plans. A discount plan partners with dentists to provide customers with a savings on visits to the dentist office. The downside to discount dental plans is that they are not regulated and you have limited recourse if you experience dental plan problems.

Posted on May. 11th 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, There is a Difference Between the Different Dental Plan Types

There is a difference between dental indemnity insurance plans and a HMO, PPO, or DHMO. The important benefit is the option to choose your own dentist without having to use a network facility. Thus, the personal or true dental insurance plan pays the dental office on a traditional fee-for-service basis. A monthly premium is paid by the client or the employer to an insurance company, which then reimburses the dental service provider for the dental procedures rendered.

Posted on May. 5th 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, Dental Insurance, No Comments »

Dental Discount Plans

Dental 4 Less, Dental Discount Plans

You will want to use caution with this type of dental plan since it is not insurance. The managing organizations have negotiated with local dental offices to establish a set price for a particular dental procedure and offer deep discounts (some up to 70%) off the regular ADA pricing code.

This plan has several advantages over traditional dental insurance plans, namely, there are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. This allows a patient to receive immediate coverage for work without meeting any waiting period requirements.

Posted on May. 3rd 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »

Dental 4 Less, Dental Discount Plans

Dental Discount Plan for Preventive Dental Care

All I want to do is to be able to get my two cleaning a year and check up.  My teeth are great I never had even one cavity.   I would just like to have something in place for just in case and preventive care.

I been reviewing your Careington dental discount plan which off hand looks good to me, since it does not cost much and start right away.  Is there anything I should do or know before buying.  Never had a discount plan so just checking it out.  Thanks

Reply: Dental discount plan are a great low cost alternative to a high cost dental insurance. The main thing is making sure you have a dentist in the plan you want to go to. Call and confirm with the dental offices that are listed under the plan, to make sure they are still accepting the plan before buying it.

Otherwise you can see your discounted costs for dental services that are listed and for all other dental services not listed you will still receive around a 20% discounted saving.

Posted on Apr. 29th 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments », Finding the right value in dental insurance or dental plans

 Finding The Right Value in Your Dental Insurance/Discount Plan

Finding the right value in dental insurance or dental plans is an important step in purchasing dental coverage for you and your family. Both types of dental plans have advantages and disadvantages and one size does not fit everyone.

Keeping this in mind is an important rule when you shop for the dental plan that best fits your needs. We sell both individual and family dental insurance and dental discount plans throughout all 50 states.

Posted on Apr. 25th 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, Dental Insurance, No Comments » Next Day Benefits

Many of our dental plans have next day benefits including vision and prescription. offers quotes for individual and family dental insurance plans including an option to compare dental national coverage plans. Remember, buying dental insurance does not have to be a painful process. We offer dental benefit coverage in all 50 states.

Posted on Apr. 23rd 2016, by Dental, in Dental Discount Plans, No Comments »
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