I have a dental PPO insurance plan and in the plan terms and conditions I am required to notify them before any dental treatment that is over $300.00. I really do not have a issue with this because I know that is there to make sure I do not go over UCR rate without knowing it a head of time.
My problem is how do I go about doing notifying them? Will my dentist give me a treatment plan without me consenting to the work being done? So that I can send that to the insurance company as required? If I do not have the work done with the dentist charge me for the treatment plan? Not sure how to go about this advise please.
I have a PPO that has waiting period for almost every thing. Since I have the plan now for seven months I only have five more months until I can have major services. At the time I bought the plan I did not think waiting periods would be an issue and that I would be able to wait them out. Now I need a crown that will cost about $800.00 After the waiting period the insurance company that I am with will cover 50% of the cost which is still a lot of money.
The thing is I need the crown now and waiting five more months is not a good idea. My dentist said I really should get the crown now since it will help protect my tooth that I chipped. Can I just get the crown now and file the claim after the waiting period? That way at least I will get my $400.00 back in the five months after I file the claim. I hate having to spend money that my insurance company should pay out for.
I have not had dental insurance for over two years since I first got complete up and lower dentures. At the time I did not think since I had the denture I would need to have dental insurance any more. However, I am starting to find out that getting aliments and repairs to my dentures are costly. Is there dental insurance for dentures? If so what should I know before buying a plan to help me with my dentures?
Hi I was on your site and I live in California. I was looking at the Golden West dental plan. I need help in understanding the coverages. I know I am going to need a cleaning more then likely a deep cleaning since it has been some time since I last saw a dentist.
I also think filling will be necessary too. I been having issues with two of my teeth. They seem to hurt off and on. Any way when I look at the plan there are a Doz or more filling and I am not sure where to find a deep cleaning. That is the same for a crown there is like seven different cost for crowns. How am I to know what one is needed so I can figure out my cost for those services and compare it to your other plans. Please advise
Round month ago I had a root canal done on my back molar. At the time the dentist only did the root canal and put a temporary crown on after he was done. I was to go back for the finished crown. I had an appointment to go back but I had to put it off since something came up and now my appointment for the crown is in two weeks from now.
The problem is now my temporary crown came off three days ago since I have an appointment to go back to the dentist I did not worry about it and did not bother to call the dentist over it. Now when I was eating I think part of the packing or filling came out of that tooth and I have a whole in my tooth. What will the dentist do now? Will I still get my crown? Should I call the dentist now and get in sooner then my appointment or wait it out? Advise please.