Question: I want to whiten my teeth but without going to a dentist, parents won’t pay for me to get my teeth whiten.
Answer: I can understand parents not wanting to spend extra money on whiten treatment. Here are a few suggestions, but make sure you run them by your parents first before trying any of them.
1) See if your parents would be willing to have you brush with toothpaste with whiten. That is normally not any more expensive then toothpaste without whiten
2) See if your parents would be willing to spend around 45.00 to 60.00 for over the counter whiten strips.
3) Keep in mind if you really want white teeth avoid staining them in the first place.
4) Do not smoke or chew
5) Drink staining drinks (coffee, soda, tea etc.) though straws.
6) Brush after eating whenever possible. When you can not brush right after try chewing whiten gum.
7) There is also mouthwash with whiten you can use that is over the counter as well.
8 ) Finally as my mom would say, start saving your pennies for when you can afford to have your teeth whiten by a dentist and are able to pay for it yourself.
Question: What is a good low cost way of whitening your teeth? My teeth are not really bad but I would like them to be whiter. I do not have a lot of extra money so what is a good way to whiten your teeth without it costing a arm and a leg?
Answer: You can use toothpaste with whitening. It will slowly whiten your teeth by removing stains on them. Or you can use over the counter whitening strips for faster results at still lower cost then having your teeth whiten by a dentist.
Question: I was told that if you want to have a cheap way to whiten your teeth you can use orange or banana peels. I would like to know if that is true? If so does it do any damage to your teeth? Also just how would you go about using the peels to whiten you teeth?
Answer: All though Orange and Banana peels may help whiten your teeth they also can do damage. Both contain sugar and acids and are abrasive, all of which can damaged your enamel that helps protects your teeth over a period of time.
If you are wanting to try it out do not over do it. Also understand that you may run the risk of doing more damage to your teeth by wearing down your tooth enamel
I would suggest just using tooth pastes with whitening, or talking to your dentist for advise on how to whiten your teeth without causing damage.
I am a heavy coffee drinker and I also smoke about two to three times a day. My teeth are really stained up and ugly to look at. Even though I do not have any cavities or real teeth issues. I hate they way they look.
I have tried over the counter whiten strips but they really do not work for me. I would like to go and have them whiten by a dentist but my insurance plan does not cover whitening treatment. Is there an insurance plan I can pick up that will cover the cost of having a whitening treatment done?