Dental for Less, Do Orange and Banana peels Whiten your Teeth?
Hello, I was told by a friend that if you want to have a cheap way to whiten your teeth you can use orange or banana peels. I would like to know if that is true? If so does it do any damage to your teeth? Also just how would you go about using the peels to whiten you teeth?
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Posted on Tuesday, May. 25th 2010 7:56 PM | by Dental | in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dental Products, Teeth Whitening | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, May. 26th 2010 8:30 AM at 8:30 am
All though Orange and Banana peels may help whiten your teeth they also can do damage. Both contain sugar and acids and are abrasive, all of which can damaged your enamel that helps protects your teeth over a period of time.
If you are wanting to try it out do not over do it. Also understand that you may run the risk of doing more damage to your teeth by wearing down your tooth enamel
Thursday, May. 27th 2010 4:32 PM at 4:32 pm
Just use tooth paste with whitening. Why mess around with banana or orange peels even if they do some what work. Whiten toothpaste will not only help to whiten your teeth but clean them as well.
Friday, May. 28th 2010 8:46 AM at 8:46 am
For do it at home whiten I would use Crest whitening strips. Sure they cost a little more but you will get good results and have little hassel