Dental Insurance Dental Care, Missing Tooth Clause.
Dental Insurance Dental Care, Missing Tooth Clause. Over the coarse of many years and bad teeth care habits I have lost a few teeth. I never had dental insurance and would hardly to to the dentist because to be frank I do not like dentist very much. I am currently paying the price for having such a bad attitude about my oral healthcare and dentist. I am trying now to do the right thing and get my teeth fixed up but I am finding out that there are no dental insurance plans willing to help me.
Many of the dental insurance plans I see have long term waiting period for the dental services I know I will be needing to have. If I have not choice in the matter I may be willing to wait out the waiting periods but I was told that many dental insurance have missing tooth clause and it may not be worth my buying dental insurance since the plan will not cover the dental work I would need to fix my teeth.