Dental Insurance Plans in Texas and staying with your dentist.
Dental Insurance Plans in Texas and staying with your dentist. Please do not give me any advise if it will not let me stay with my current dental provider. I have been seeing the same dentist since I was ten years old and I really like my dentist and trust him 100%. I will not change my dentist since the one time I try changing dentist to use the dental plan I get though work I had a really bad experience and will not be doing it again.
Since I have a dentist I love I am only looking for a dental insurance plan that will let me stay with him. One of the issues I seem to be running into however is that he is only a provider of Delta Dental but when I called Delta Dental I am told that they only offer group dental plan and not individual plans. How do I get insurance that will let me stay with my dentist regardless.